Interested in Presenting at the HCRGSA 2022/2023 Conference? Submit your abstract below!
Abstract Submissions Have Now Closed
Call For Papers
“Societies in Crisis: Reactions, Resilience, and Resolutions”
March 2nd - 4th, 2023
Edmonton, Alberta
The History, Classics, and Religion Graduate Students’ Associations (HCRGSA) of the University of Alberta invites graduate students to submit papers on the topic “Societies in Crisis: Reactions, Resilience, and Resolution.” The conference will take place March 2-4, 2023, in Edmonton, Alberta. We will have a virtual option, but we encourage everyone who is able to attend in person to do so. We are excited to offer travel awards (up to $250) and a best abstract award of $100.
Different crises have been at the forefront of every newspaper and every social media post. Over the past generation, we have witnessed the collapse of the Soviet Union, September 11, 2001, the Financial Crisis of 2007-2008, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We have seen societies alter, but we have also seen societies persevere. The topic of crisis has been and will continue to be an essential research subject. In this context, we invite applicants to discuss societies in crisis related to their respective fields of study; Why do societies face crises? What crisis defined a region for generations? How did an area recover from a disaster? What can communities do to help a country in crisis? What is the role of religion in societies during periods of upheaval? What is the role of government and political leaders in periods of unrest? How have individual people or communities dealt with or responded to social tumult?
As a multidisciplinary department, we are committed to a dialogue between diverse disciplinary perspectives and methodologies. We strongly encourage all related fields to apply, including but not limited to: History, Classics, Religious Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Anthropology, English, Political Science, Philosophy, Indigenous Studies, Economics, Cultural Studies, and Gender Studies.
Presentations should be no longer than 15 minutes to allow for a question period afterward. Please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words and a short biography by December 15th; notifications will be sent out by the end of January.
Questions? Please contact the HCRGSA Conference via our email: